Upcoming Shows

Photo Credit: Sanderling Photography

This May, we welcome you back to Somerhaus Event Space for “Paper Lanterns: Dragon Fire”, a sensual Spring burlesque and aerial variety show celebrating the Spring awakening and Asian American Heritage Month! A sexy, sensual, and empowering experience, Paper Lanterns features a beautiful blend of artists representing favorites from our main cast while celebrating Asian-American artists and their contributions to the artforms that we love.

Paper lanterns were chosen as a symbol of Spring and as a reflection of the fact that so many cultures have their own unique styles of lanterns that all reflect different cultural meanings while still representing light and awareness.  And this year’s special theme, “Dragon Fire”, celebrates the Year of the Dragon and the mystique and romance that the lore of the dragon evokes in all of us.  Dragons are represented in the myths, legends, artwork and spirituality of many cultures across Asia.  As symbols of rebirth, destruction, inspiration, and protection, dragons breathe fire into the imaginations and passions of those who dare to dream and illuminate the work of the incredible artists of Paper Lanterns!
